Friday, May 16, 2008

Long day

Well yesterday was just one of those days. You know the ones I'm talking about. Where everything seems to take longer than you think it will. I wouldn't necessarily say that it was a bad day... just a long one.

I wanted to be at the Church early so I could help prepare for Sunday morning.
While I was there I had to stop and go meet with the P&W pastor across the street.
Rush back, finish the preparations for Sunday and then it was off to Wal-mart. (one stop shopping)

(This is where is starts getting hairy)

I needed to get the oil changed before we left town.
SO I get in line and wait. Trying to be a kind, nice person I didn't keep track of how long it took for them to get to me. After all the "check-in" procedures were taken care of (at 4:15), I asked how long they were running that day. Answer: 45min. Not bad. (should be done by 5:00)
So the girls and I go in and browse, get some water, browse some more and 45min later go to check out the car. Not done.
So we wait. (and wait and and wait and wait, you get the idea. Now add four hungry children.) Please keep in mind that it is Thursday night and Kent and I have class. To be on time we need to leave the house by 5:45pm. When my car is finally done I get home at 5:50. I still need to "freshen up" and get dinner started.

The mixed blessing in all this is that Kent is also running late. He was mowing a yard. I get home, give the babysitter (who had been waiting for 20min) a run down on how to cook dinner, rush back out the door to go pick up Kent. He finishes his job running, jumps in the car and we rush back home so he can clean up before class.

We arrive to class 50min late!! We have a wonderful teaching over the Epistles and then I get ready to leave. When I look around, Kent is gone and I find him in a meeting with our school "boss." Finally 45min after we should have left I call to tell the babysitter that we are fine, and that we will be home soon. At 11:15pm we finally arrive home, exhausted and late (once again).

Fortunately we have the BEST babysitter EVER!! (four actually) and she was so understanding!

I guess we all need days like that to check and see how much progress we are making in our walk with Jesus!

Thank you Lord for tests and trials. Thank you for using them to refine us and make us more like you. Teach me how to accept them joyfully, so that you will be glorified. You are worthy to be praised! And worthy of any trial I may face!

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