Friday, May 30, 2008


I didn't see my first firefly or lightning bug until I was an adult. They just don't live in west Texas. I remember the first night I saw swarms of them around a relatives house in Oklahoma. I was fascinated!! When we moved to Waco last summer I was tickled to discover that fireflies live here in Waco. We had a few fun evenings chasing them with our good friends here. (Our friends are firefly EXPERTS! They can catch tons of them.)

Tonight we has our first official Forester Family Firefly Fiasco. I had been seeing them around town, but I had not seen them in our own yard yet. As soon as I saw them tonight (while taking out some trash) I ran through the house getting every one to put on their shoes and socks! We frantically put on bug spray, and then went racing outside, jar in hand.

Emma was immediately frightened, so I ended up having to carry her around. Sarah didn't completely follow instructions, so she had flip-flops and was afraid of hurting her feet & of getting poison oak. Hannah got itchy, right after I put bug spray on her, and Mekala thought she was being attacked by the world's largest mosquito.

Needless to say, it was a very short and unsuccessful outing. However I had a grand time watching their little hineys mysteriously light up, the bugs, not my childrens. It is so enchanting! I hope that next time we can head out earlier so we have more time (and light), and then maybe we will actually be able to catch one and put it in our jar.

Lord, thank you for such a wonderfully, creative, design in the firefly! The world is full of unique creatures, all placed their for your glory and our enjoyment. thank you for enchanted memories that are made watching your creation! You are a AWESOME God!! Thank you

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the Count Down

Well, we have started drama practice, have gotten several packing lists and restrictions, we have started purchasing a few things....... it's getting closer to "go" time!

We leave June the 14th (we have baggage weigh-in on our 10th anniversary) and we won't return until June 28th. Pleases be praying for us! This is the prayer card that we will be sending out. We would love as many saints praying, as we can get. Ooooh Oooooh, you could leave a prayer comment. That would be cool!!!!

Lord I ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to fill each team member. That we all would be used in mighty ways to share the gospel and bring GLORY to your name! May we speak with boldness and gentleness all at the same time. USE US LORD!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Big Girl Emma

I 'm not sure if I am talented enough to do justice to this morning's events, but I'm going to try!

When I arrived at Emma's classroom this morning after church, she had just gotten her diaper changed. She apparently had kept the workers busy that morning, because she had used all the diapers that I had sent in her diaper bag and was now using diapers out of the Church's stash. Now when it comes to diapers I am a die hard Luvs fan, I think I used Luvs for 3 if not all four of my children, so of course Luvs are all Emma has ever known. Well, apparently the church doesn't buy Luvs, so when the worker ran out of Emma's diapers and had to put on the church's diapers she started having a problem.

Now I have changed many a diaper that wasn't dirtied by one of my children, and in doing so I have had moments where I have had to put a "spare" diaper on a child. The two responses that I usually get are indifference, or frustration. They either don't care what they are wearing, or they are so picky about it that they get upset at having to wear something different. This was not the case with Emma.

Emma's reaction to the strange diaper was one of excitement, so much so that the worker couldn't put the diaper on her, 'cause she kept trying to sit up and look at her new diaper. The worker finally had to give her an extra one to hold so that she could finish putting the diaper on.
As soon as they were done, Emma, immediately started trying to lift up her dress and see how it looked!

She was still trying to check it out when I arrived to get her. Even as the teacher was passing her over the door, she was trying to get her dress up high enough so that I could see her new diaper.
I set her down in the hall, and as I am getting the story from the teacher, she is showing Sarah and trying to get another glimpse herself. Now Emma's dress was long and there was a lot of fabric to get out of the way before the new diaper could be adequately seen, but she was determined to show it off!

Then something clicked. She must have thought that if she got a new diaper, then Sarah must have gotten one too. So grabbed Sarah's dress and lifted it up to see what Sarah was wearing. It was too funny!! I was already laughing at the story the teacher was telling me, and then to see her assault Sarah was hilarious.

Later after she woke up from her nap, she once again examined her new diaper and then proceeded to reexamine Sarah and check out Mekala's wares as well. The saddest part was when, once again she had to be changed and it was back to plain 'ol luvs again.

I now have hope that we we start potty training, the "big girl panties" tactic, might actually work with her. With the others the thought of wearing "big girl panties" did not motivate them very well. Maybe Emma will be different.

Lord, my baby's growing up! (They all are) Help me always be aware of their new needs, and their new "phases" I don't want to miss anything. Help me to train them well now so that their "later" years will be enjoyed by all (including themselves.

Friday, May 23, 2008


While growing up the one thing that I always wished I had was a sister!

Now my house is full of them! I have been praying that they would be close and would develop bonds that would last a life time. That they would want to confide in each other and share secrets with each other. And I think I am finally beginning to see the their relationship deepen.

There have been several mornings that I have seen them laying in bed together talking and giggling. Sometimes it in Hannah climbing in bed with Melaka, other days it is Mekala climbing in bed with Hannah. I just LOVE that they do that!

Tonight Mekala really impressed me..... She and Emma had been playing out in the sand and when they came in she took and put Emma in the bath AND washed her, WITH OUT being asked! WOW!! And then later when it was her turn, she didn't fuss or throw a fit when Emma was back in the bathroom wanting to play some more. She is starting to grow up and mature.

Lord, thank you for establishing good relationships between my girls! I am truly blessed to have children that enjoy each other's company. Please continue to strengthen their friendships! And continue to teach and shape Mekala into the woman that you have called her to be!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The New Face

For most of their lives, my girls have known their Daddy with a soft, fuzzy goatee, or a beard. He keeps it that way for me. He is MUCH more kissable with facial hair than without. When he is without facial hair, it only takes a day before it feels like I am kissing sandpaper. But every once in a while he looses a wild hair and shaves it all off. Last Sunday morning was one of those "whiles" . Before the girls were awake, Kent "bared it all" for his triathlon. He woke me up with a big fuzz-less kiss! I decided to keep quiet about dad's big change.

Oh, if I had only been thinking about it when we showed up at the race to cheer him on, I would have gotten some too funny pictures of the girls!!

Picture, if you will, strange faces and a mass of people, most of whom are wearing black wet suits, and all of whom have on swim caps. Then from out of the crowd a man approaches, familiar, yet strange. Then that man leans down and tries to kiss you, there in public, and you don't even know him. I'm sure that you, like my girls would immediately pull away out of shock and fear. Especially if the face that was coming toward you looked like this:

It was funny to watch them slowly realize that the strange man was actually their Daddy.

But I must take a moment and brag on my MAN. (or as my friend would say my TRI-MAN).

Kent swam some distance (I'm not sure on the exact number, but I will guarantee that it was more than I would or could EVER swim).

When he got done with the .32 mile swim (or whatever), he dried off, hopped on to his bike and rode for 17 miles (again, more than I could do)

Then after that he had to run for 6 miles before he could cross the finish line. (do I even need to say it...).

He didn't do as well as he had hoped, he had a few technical difficulties on the ride, but all in all he felt good about it.

But as awesome as that feat is, completing the race is not why I have to brag on my TRI-MAN. First, on his way out for the run, he stopped and kissed not one, but two of his daughters! I didn't see anyone else do that.

Second, he had the chance to finish sooner, but when he caught up to his friend and training buddy, instead of passing and running to finish the race, he slowed down to his friends pace so that they could finish together.

And if that didn't win him the friend of the year award this will......

He went back out on the track, to look for one of his best friends and re-ran the last part of the race so that he could finish the race with his friend.


Lord, thank you for my MAN. May he always be "different", may he continue to love others the way you have called him too. Thank you that he is such a wonderful DADDY!! We are so blessed to have him as our leader. Give him wisdom as he guides us from one day to the next. Bless Him Jesus!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Long day

Well yesterday was just one of those days. You know the ones I'm talking about. Where everything seems to take longer than you think it will. I wouldn't necessarily say that it was a bad day... just a long one.

I wanted to be at the Church early so I could help prepare for Sunday morning.
While I was there I had to stop and go meet with the P&W pastor across the street.
Rush back, finish the preparations for Sunday and then it was off to Wal-mart. (one stop shopping)

(This is where is starts getting hairy)

I needed to get the oil changed before we left town.
SO I get in line and wait. Trying to be a kind, nice person I didn't keep track of how long it took for them to get to me. After all the "check-in" procedures were taken care of (at 4:15), I asked how long they were running that day. Answer: 45min. Not bad. (should be done by 5:00)
So the girls and I go in and browse, get some water, browse some more and 45min later go to check out the car. Not done.
So we wait. (and wait and and wait and wait, you get the idea. Now add four hungry children.) Please keep in mind that it is Thursday night and Kent and I have class. To be on time we need to leave the house by 5:45pm. When my car is finally done I get home at 5:50. I still need to "freshen up" and get dinner started.

The mixed blessing in all this is that Kent is also running late. He was mowing a yard. I get home, give the babysitter (who had been waiting for 20min) a run down on how to cook dinner, rush back out the door to go pick up Kent. He finishes his job running, jumps in the car and we rush back home so he can clean up before class.

We arrive to class 50min late!! We have a wonderful teaching over the Epistles and then I get ready to leave. When I look around, Kent is gone and I find him in a meeting with our school "boss." Finally 45min after we should have left I call to tell the babysitter that we are fine, and that we will be home soon. At 11:15pm we finally arrive home, exhausted and late (once again).

Fortunately we have the BEST babysitter EVER!! (four actually) and she was so understanding!

I guess we all need days like that to check and see how much progress we are making in our walk with Jesus!

Thank you Lord for tests and trials. Thank you for using them to refine us and make us more like you. Teach me how to accept them joyfully, so that you will be glorified. You are worthy to be praised! And worthy of any trial I may face!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Challenge

I didn' t post yesterday. So I thought I would do two today. I have really started to enjoy blogging. I have challenged myself to write everyday. That can some times be hard for me, I'm not a gifted writer, but doing it makes me a better writer and a deeper thinker. (Well, sometimes, making butter isn't that thought provoking).

Here in the HOT (Heart of Texas for you non-locals) we have had lots of rain. Coming from an area where rain is a precious thing, it has been quite enjoyable. Except when it interrupts my sleep. It takes me a long while to get to sleep, so when I do, I like to stay asleep. (That is also another reason why I blog, it gives me something to do while I wait to get sleepy.)

Last night I experienced one of the noisiest storms EVER. It sounded like the lighting was striking right outside my bedroom window! There were several times I was startled awake by an enormous crashing sound! Over all it was another reminder of God's power, and awesomeness. (Is awesomeness even a word?)

Thank you Lord that we can still see your strength and power in the world today. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever! Thank you for being consistent.

Jesus in Me

Captains log, stardate 051408, this is Captain Picard........ when I am talking about my blog, that is what pops into my brain. I grew up on "The Next Generation". There were other shows too that we always watched as a family, but that was one of my favorites. I think I liked it because my Dad liked it and I wanted to have a connection with him.

I see the same things in my kids. I love being crafty, so does Hannah. Kent loves soccer, so does Hannah. (or at least that's what she says). I love to sing, Mekala loves to sing. Kent loves fishing, Mekala loves fishing. And on it goes.

It is scary and humbling to think that there are little people that are watching my every move, making choices based on my actions! To think that the things that they see me do now, will affect how they choose to do things later in life....... I can only hope that most of what they see is Jesus in me, and the times they don't, that I am humble enough to admit that I was wrong. I want them all to live for Jesus.

Lord, my heart aches for my children to know you. I want them to know you intimately. Meet with them, even now. God, continue to reveal yourself to them: your power, your mercy, your faithfulness, your love, your sacrifice, your forgiveness. Help me be a better reflection of you, not only for my children, but for everyone I come in contact with!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

GOD is amazing!!

I only have a minute, but I had to give glory where glory was due.

Some of you may recall in my Givin' Praise post that the girls were going to Peru, but we still had some expenses. That was on the 6th, today is the 12th, ONLY SIX DAYS LATER...... We got the most recent update on our trip funds and we have all of it, but $637 dollars, and I have two checks on my fridge that total up to $35 dollars, meaning.... we only owe six hundred dollars of an $8800.00 trip!!!

When I saw the print out all I could say was "WOW" that was all I could some up with... that and lots of tears!! God is so faithful!!! I wish I had words to express my thoughts and feelings right now!!

The verse of the night::

Romans 8:32 He (God) who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us ALL --- how will he (God) not also, along with him (Christ), GRACIOUSLY GIVE US ALL THINGS?

Jesus, thank you for all your gifts. Both earthly and eternal! We would be lost without you. You always come through! Words are not enough to express the feelings in my heart! May I always be reminded of your faithfulness!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Today was a good day! I determined in my heart that today I would enjoy whatever the Lord had in store for me. It was wonderful.

My day started with my daughter telling me I didn't have to get up yet, that I could go back to bed and sleep in. (I didn't, but it would have been nice.) Then she brought me a single, long-stem, red rose surrounded by baby's breath. (Beautiful.) I enjoyed a long quiet shower. And then I entered the dining room and found that my sweet husband had veered from his standard "breakfast" (pancakes) and went with my preferred breakfast of waffles. (Yummy, Yummy). There were also, 12 white roses waiting for me on the table! I couldn't believe my eyes. One rose was awesome, but another dozen! (Oo-la-la). (I took pictures, but I am too tired to post them)

Then we rushed off to church. (a little late, but not bad.) After church we had lunch a Taco Cabana. (I always choose Mexican)I was a little rough to start with, long morning and all. (not to mention low blood sugar), but after everyone had eaten a little things were great!

We went home and played a game of "LIFE". (I won!! ) Then we headed to Wal-mart to fulfill Sarah's month long wish of getting a sand box! (woo hoo! more sweeping!) We played in the sand box while Dad started dinner. Kent and the girls ate the fish he caught on Saturday morning and I had leftovers. (I don't do fish!) (we were supposed to have a yummy roast, but it wasn't done yet (Yea no cooking tomorrow!))

A story, some kisses and lots of hugs later here I am. I love being a mom!

I know I have said it before, Lord, but thank you for my kids!! Thank you for teaching me how to be a better Mom. Thank you for changing my heart on homeschooling, I am having the time of my life!! You are so good to know what we REALLY need, which is always SO much better that what we THINK we need.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Goin' Country

Well - I lived on a "farm" for five years, but this is by far the most "country" that I have been yet! We started buying "cows" milk. What I mean to say is that we started buying fresh, unpasteurized, whole milk. It took a couple of days and conversations to teach or kids that we have always had COW's milk for breakfast, but now we are drinking "FRESH" milk.

With fresh milk comes lots of cream, with cream (and some time) their comes BUTTER! Yes I made my own butter today. I feel like a true country girl! I think I need a little more practice to get it just right.... but it is a cool feeling to know that you can make butter.

This is how we get the fresh milk from the farm. In large, glass, gallon jars. Old pickle jars. You can see, the cream has separated and is sitting on top. (It brought back memories of pumping while nursing).

You spoon off the cream put it in a smaller jar and let it "ripen". After is has reached 75 deg. or so, you start shaking. And you shake and shake for 10-15 min.

Then you end up with this lump of butter and the buttermilk. You strain this and rinse it.

Then you "work" the butter to remove all the water and the rest of the buttermilk. Sprinkle a little salt, put in the fridge and you are good to go!

However, I think that next time I will use something else besides my hand to work the butter.

Tomorrow morning....... toast, homemade butter, and homemade strawberry jam!


Thank you Lord for creating a world that is self-sustaining. For making a place where man can "live off the land". That was you design, that was your plan. Thank you for new opportunities to learn and grow and try things that I have never done before. Thank you for knowing what I need to keep life interesting!

The Zoomies......

My mother has a papillon (Pap-E-on), and when these little dogs have energy to burn they literally run in circles. Around the couch, around the table, what ever. Papillon owners lovingly call this "the zoomies". I don't have a papillon, but there are occasions where we have the zoomies in our house.

Enter Sarah. Today she had the zoomies. She ran laps around the couch all by her self. No one was chasing her........... no one had asked her to......... there was no prize for the most laps......... she just had to run! Sarah has a gift. A beautiful gift, one that I regularly enjoy using and watching.

Sarah can entertain herself for hours! Even as a little(r) girl I would hear her in the backseat playing who knows what, all by herself. She even makes all her own sound effects! In her zooming today she was an airplane, she even had the engine noises!

Which reminded me of truly how gifted she is. She can make all the cool airplane, truck, and animal noises, just like a boy. She has no fear, just like a boy. She has the energy of a boy, and yet she can be as dainty as a flower, and sweeter than sugar. My dad says she has "pizzaz"! And I think he is right. I can't think of a better word to describe my little bundle of joy!

In Sarah, my husband and I have the best of both worlds! God knew that Kent would need some one athletic to play sports, and I would need the sanity that comes from having all girls!

Thank you Lord for my family! You hand picked each of my children, gave them each their own talents, tastes, interests and personalities. They are each a special gift from you! Bless Sarah, may her energy and determination be used to further your kingdom. May she make a difference in all that she does!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Ok, let's see... I shared a story about Hannah, there is one about Emma..... who's next? Mekala! Tonight we had a friend over for dinner, and the conversation turned to names. Our friend asked each of the big girls what their middle name was. When it was Mekala's turn to answer, instead of saying her name, she thought she would add a little dramatic flair and spell it.

I'm very embarrassed to say that she has inherited my poor spelling skills. (It is the long running joke in my family that both my brother and I got our spelling skills from our Dad.) It was all I could do not to laugh hysterically when she spelled out : R-O-O-F. Apparently when we were working on how to spell her name, we forgot to work on the middle part! For those of you who are wondering how she should have spelled her middle name, it's : R-U-T-H. Close, especially if you say it fast..... but not quite!

However I must take a moment and praise her for a job well done on Wed and Thurs in school. The last few months have been grueling. She some how would turn pages that should take 10-15 minutes into an hour or more! ARGGG! But, Wed we finally had a breakthrough!! When we re-learned that focusing means answering question, after question, after question until the page is finished...................... she was able to finish an ENTIRE page in LESS than 10 min. HURRAY!!!

The next day she was finished with ALL her work before lunch!! WOO HOO! That hasn't happened in alooooooong time! We are extremely excited about next week! Plus..... summer is right around the corner!

Lord, bless Mekala! Give her a desire and passion for learning and knowledge! Be with me, help me make school a fun and exciting experience! I want schooling my kids to be my number one priority until YOU say otherwise! Thank you Lord that you have given me this special opportunity, help me to make the best of it!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I LOVE Girls!

Ok, I have to admit, as a young inexperienced, teenager.... I wanted three boys. but OBVIOUSLY, that wasn't God's plan for me. Today the three big girls were out with their Daddy (buying fresh cow's milk) when sweet Emma woke up from her nap. The first thing she did was make a bee line to the front door (which was open), and call out "Sissy?" When she realized that they weren't outside, she spun around and headed toward their bedroom. She was on a mission to find her sissy(s). It was the sweetest moment. It was the first time I think I have ever heard her ask for them by "name". I scooped her up and gave her a huge hug! I Love girls.Thank you LORD for my girls! May they always be close friends. Use them to encourage and sharpen each other throughout their entire life. May they always know the wonderful gift and treasure that God has given them in each other.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I feel compelled to write to day. I've gotten in the habit (so far) of making this a daily thing.





Well, I wish I was one of those thoughtful, witty people that always had something interesting to say, but alas I'm not! So just enjoy these pictures of two of my beautiful babies!!

Lord, bless all who read this, simple as it may be. Let them feel the power of your constant presence in their lives! May they see you in the little things as well as the big. May their lives be glorifying to the Father!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Givin' Praise

Just wanted to take a post to praise the Lord. He has graciously provided for both girls to go to summer camp this year! AND we were afraid that the big girls might not be able to go with us to Peru because we didn't have the money for them to..... but once again the LORD has been faithful and we were able to purchase the plane tickets for all four of us!! THANK YOU JESUS!! I couldn't tell you how it got done other than GOD! Money has come in from places I would have never imagined! OUR GOD IS SO CREATIVE and FAITHFUL!

We still have expenses that need to be taken care of.... but we are trusting that HE will provide for them all!!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever AMEN! Eph. 3:20-21

Monday, May 5, 2008


Ok, I thought I would let you in on the thought process of my 6 year old.

In school we are learning how to write friendly letters. To help in the process I wrote each of the girls a letter, so that they could write me back. In my letter to Hannah, I asked her some questions about a birthday party that I knew she would be going to. One question I asked was, "What flavor was the cake?" Well, I learned, after I had written my letter, that there was no cake at the party. MY response to the cake question would have been something like... "We didn't have cake, but we did have sugar cookies." or whatever. HOWEVER that was not Hannah's response. Her response? "There was no cake, so there was no flavor."

Thank you Lord for my Hannah. May she always see life differently, and add that special something to our lives! Use her to change the world!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The writing on the wall.....

It is amazing how much damage a one year old can do in a matter of a few moments!!

While cleaning up after breakfast this morning (Strawberry & Banana Pancakes, yum yum) I went down the hall to change out the laundry when I heard a strange sound.... like somthing scraping across the wall. I look up to see little Emma standing guiltily in her room with a hot pink sharpie in her hand. I walked into the room expecting a small scribble where she had just been standing. ===>

Instead, I find her work of art all down the entire length of the wall!! I was dumbfounded. I think all of my children have expressed themselves at least once on the wall, but never this much and never with a permanent marker!
Life is definitely more interesting with four busy bodies in the house!!
Thank you Lord for my four beautiful children, and the patience you teach me through them! They are a huge blessing!! May I always be able to learn more about You, Your love and Your patience through my role as a parent!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Strawberry Blessings

Well one of the cool benefits of living in hill country instead of cotton country is all the awesome fresh fruit! We have wanted to pick strawberries for eight years and never got the chance! So far this year we have gone twice!! We have picked POUNDS and POUNDS of berries!

We have strawberries in the freezer, we made strawberry jam and we have fresh berries waiting to be consumed in the fridge! it is AWESOME! They are so yummy too!

Emma slept for the pickin' the first time, but once she discovered the berries she couldn't get enough! The second time she was awake and rarein' to go and was like a kid in a candy store eating all the berries she could pick! TOO FUN!

If you are ever in our neck of the woods in April, go pick strawberries... even if all you pick is a few handfuls, I guarantee they will be the best berries you've ever tasted!