Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus!

We bucked all forms of tradition this year and DIDN'T have Church on Christmas day! (gasp)
Instead we had a birthday PARTY for Jesus the Sunday AFTER Christmas. We bought tinsel and put it up the best we could, on the cement counters and walls.
Baby Girl provided the entertainment for our guests while we waited for the decorating to stop and the party to begin.
She is actually quite good at her tricks. She can make a :cup and saucer, the Eiffel tower, a winking eye, chicken feet and do lots of weaving in and out. The children as well as the adults were fascinated by her talent.
What party is complete with out games??? We did a water balloon toss, marshmallow toss, and a popcorn toss. There were SEVERAL really wet people by the end of the day!
Everyone wears their Christmas best for Church the day after Christmas.... and these ladies didn't let that keep them from participating in the water balloon toss! All the adults were GREAT sports by jumping in and playing with the children!
After games we ate cake and punch.... but I was too busy cutting and dishing up to take pictures. After cake we had gifts. There were kid gifts, women gifts and men gifts. All the children received colored pencils. Super fun!

All the adult gifts came with verses. The women got either : an umbrella (He is our shade) OR tea, sugar and a mug (taste and see that the Lord is good) OR soap and lotion (we are the fragrance of Christ).

The men received "diaries" (Cultural note: what we call a "planner" and use to "plan" out our time, they call a "diary" and use to record what they did with their time.) (He ordains our days) or a watch (There is a time for everything).

All in All it was a GREAT time for everyone who came. It was the highlight of the holidays for many of the locals. VERY, VERY unlike any Christmas service, or party for that matter that they have EVER been too!

1 comment:

Starr said...

Love this post! Thanks for sharing.